Books have the rare ability to transport us to places and worlds different from our own, expanding our horizons and enriching our awareness of the world in which we live.
Inviting students and staff to travel through literature to each of the world’s seven continents, the George Green’s Reading Challenge for 2022 is to Read Around the World.
To complete the challenge, read a book either by an author from or set in a country in each of the world’s seven continents in any order:
1. Africa 2. South America 3. North America 4. Asia 5. Europe 6. Oceania 7. Antarctica
Share your reading experience of Reading Around the World by: – change yourOffice 365 icon to the book cover you are currently reading and include it in your email signature for example: Currently reading: When Life Gives You Mangoes by Kereen Getten – tag @ friend or teacher in your class or form class TEAMS channel to recommend a book directly – write a review to let everyone know what you thought – simply email these to and we’ll post it
We have a lot of books from around the world and by international writers in the LRC. To help get started, please look at our recommendations below and explore Book Reviews also which contains many titles from around the world. For older readers, please flick through the host of recommendations below from staff
If there is a book you’d like to read for the challenge but cannot find in the LRC, please email or speak to Ms Brown or Ms Harrison and we’ll happily get it in.
We hope you take on the challenge to read more literature from around the world and that you the journey inspiring and rewarding.