
When in doubt go to the library.

J. K. Rowling

George Green’s School LRC is staffed by Ms Brown, the LRC Manager and Student Librarians at break and lunchtimes (please speak to Ms Brown if you would like to become one). 

It is open to Year 11 students only from 7.30 am to 8.25 am and 12.40 pm to 13.30 pm Monday to Friday. During break times: 10.40 am to 11.00 am, it is open to each year group on a specific day to ensure everyone can enjoy the popular space:

Monday – Year 7
Tuesday – Year 8
Wednesday – Year 9
Thursday – Year 10
Friday – Year 11

Students can, of course, return a book before and after school or during lunchtime by dropping it into the box directly opposite to the main entrance to the LRC. We also run Study Hall – a quiet space to complete home-learning, read quietly and/or receive support with work after school in the LRC which is managed by a team of experienced Teaching Assistants from 15.20 pm until 16.45 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Students can borrow two books at a time for a two week period (they can be renewed). Alongside the LRC, a fantastic collection of eBooks across all subjects and genres is available through our virtual library VLeBooks.


  • Approx. 15,000 books including fiction; non-fiction; reference and graphic novels
  • 28 computers with internet access
  • A separate Sixth Form study space including five computers and a specially curated collection of fiction and non-fiction books
  • A Careers’ section
  • Printing and scanning
  • Stationery: loan of pens, pencils, rulers, glue as well as paper
Contact us:

George Green’s School
100 Manchester Road
E14 3DW
0207 987 6032