This year’s reading challenge is designed to take you on a journey of discovery beyond the familiar. As you complete each challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to put them firmly under your ‘belt’.
The challenge is simple: read a minimum of two books to receive your first ‘reading belt’ (yellow). For every two books read in the order below (the books featured are suggestions only – you choose your own book to meet the challenge!), you’ll achieve a different reading belt colour status to showcase online by changing your personal profile picture to that colour. Keep reading until you reach the title of Grand Master Reader (the highly revered Black Belt) . You have until 3rd March 2022 to complete as many (or all twelve) challenges as you can.
Share your reading experience:
– showcase your current reading belt colour by changing your personal profile icon on Office 365 each time to the corresponding colour (it can even be a book cover of that colour!) for example, once you’ve completed Challenges 1 and 2, change your profile picture to yellow:
Find out how others achieved their reading belt status, and discover new recommendations in the process.
– tag @ friend or teacher in your class or form class Team channel to recommend a book directly
– write a review to let everyone know what you thought – simply email these to and we’ll post it.
Reading Belt Colours: Reading Recruit
Advanced Reader
Elite Reader
Super Elite Reader
Master Reader
Grand Master Reader
We hope you enjoy this year’s reading challenge. Good luck, Reading Recruit apprentices…

1. Pick up a Picture Book
The magic of reading for pleasure often begins with opening up a picture book. Revisit that magic by reading one of the many prize winning books out there.

2. Hexed with Colour
Ask a friend for a colour and read a book with a cover to match!

3. The Stars are the Limit
Travel to another country or world without leaving your armchair, bean bag or bed.

4. Truth is often stranger than fiction
Non-fiction books can be a portal to learning more about yourself and your place in the wider world, and the lives of others. Step into reality.

5. Highly Recommended
Choose a book from the Top 20 Must Reads, Desert Island Reads or a five rating from student and staff Book Reviews and see why they feature.

6. New Kids on the Publisher
Check out a 2021 debut author and share your find!

7. Full of Pride
One way to show support for the LGBTQ+ community is to make sure their stories are heard. Take your pick and be inspired.

8. Hidden Creations
Discover an author’s lesser known book or a lesser known author.

9. Change Makers
If you’re interested in being a better ally, there are many great books to read about race and social justice, and how discrimination can affect our lives.

10. Stardust
Pick up a book that has been in the LRC or your home for at least five years but have never read. Until now.

11. Small Stories
An anthology or book that’s shorter than most but fuller than imagined.

12. Heavy Weight
Read a book with 500 pages or longer and secure your place on the podium as: